how to

hair loss, how to

Hair Loss in Men: Causes & Treatment

Hair loss is a serious problem that everyone is facing. Many people almost randomly use some anti-hair loss products, without proper questioning, after discovering that they are facing a hair loss problem. This is definitely wrong. Everyone knows that when you are sick, you need to “prescribe the right medicine”. In fact, hair loss is […]

how to, human hair wigs, wigs

How to keep your wigs Fresh!

Summer is finally here and the sun and warmth is starting to bring back the nostalgic vibes of road trips and beach outings. Now that quarantine is officially over and everyone can travel again, we thought it would be a good idea to share some of our best advice when it comes to changing up […]

beauty, hairstyles, how to

5 Easy Work Hairstyles for Long Hair

One fact about long hair is that it simply makes you look like a goddess. Many lucky people with long hair tend to get lots of compliments from admirers. Although, there is a dark side to having long hair (it shouldn’t bother you though!). The only dark side to having long is the time and […]

beauty, how to, synthetic wigs, wigs

Are Wigs Bad for Hair Growth?

For many women, wigs are a fantastic choice when looking to grow long natural hair. With wigs, women can rest from seeking natural kinks and coils through daily hair manipulation and styling, and get something different that allows them to rock a different look. Let’s face it, a lot of natural hair loving women go […]